Sunday, February 18, 2007

DIA -- Detroit Is Awesome?!!

To top off our weekend in the D, we spent the morning gazing at Monets, Van Goghs, Andy Warhols and more at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) and then became members. There's much to tell about this and everything we saw, but I've got to save posts for later in the week when I'll have nothing more exciting to discuss than the three to four crazy calls I get each day at work.

Oh, and since Patrick was so awesome to craft this fab get-away, I agreed to eat at the Hockeytown Cafe sports bar for lunch. Hockey jerseys on the walls, replicas of the Stanley Cup, Red Wings-imprinted carpets. The boy was probably in heaven. I'm starting to think the whole ploy to "get away" to the D was really so he could finally drag me to Hockeytown Cafe. If so, it was quite worth it.

And there's more. We took a quick detour to peek at the architecture of the lobby of the Fox Theater and then toured the downtown YMCA, which I am in love with. We're torn between the downtown Y and extremely convenient Dearborn fitness facility with its endless rows of parking spots. Oh, downtown parking. Why must you be so fickle?

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