Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lovely day.

Just wait 'til y'all see all the great pix I take of our new city digs with this snazzy birthday gift from Patrick. I was dying for one of my own after I got addicted to the one the Enquirer loaned me for work. I dreaded giving it back.

But I was also thrilled with the "gift" from my mum -- a coupon for a girls' day of shopping. And as usual, my daddio wrote me a check to equal my age (and 22 cents for the date of my birthday!) I can't wait until I'm 100. Ha ha.

Really, it was pretty nice spending my birthday with my family. It's been a long time. My folks used to come to Cincinnati the weekend of my birthday, but there's something about sharing the actual day with your family. I've missed that.


Paul said...

Happy Birthday Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Yes, I did need to use all those exclamation points)

Jen said...

Yay! Thanks. I love birthdays (and exclamation points!!!!!!!!)


