Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oh my.

I just had to take a photo of this because it was the biggest bathroom lock I've ever seen.

I took one picture without my hand, but it needed my hand to give it context. And that was a risky thing for me to do for you readers, considering I flashed several pictures while I was inside a bathroom stall. People could have really thought that was weird.

Anyway, it actually made me jump when I saw it.


Gina said...

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Detroit, love. The visuals that show you're safe are a) the lock itself, and b) the anarchy graffiti. You'll get used to some crazy shit as long as you keep going out around town. You have to keep going out and trusting yourself and other people (I'm not saying you want people coming into the WC with you!); it's really the only way to LIVE here (and by "here" I mean Detroit). We need to go out. Aren't you *soooo* happy and jumping for joy that you told me about your 'blog and volunteered the link?!