Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring is springing. Happy and yet sad...

These lovely tulips were on display at Eastern Market this weekend. While it was bitter cold as we walked around the market, it was really starting to make me feel like spring is here.

But alas, tulips also make me think of our house, which I dearly miss and yet hope is near selling.

At this point of the year in Cincinnati, I'm guessing the tulips would be blooming. I imagine the daffodils would already be gone.

I planted a row of red tulips around the front yard and several rows of yellow tulips in the back. Oh, and I had a line of red and pink ones around the little pond.

After the tulips will come the irises (yellow on the side and deep purple in the back), the fragrant white lilacs, leafy fern and dozens of green hostas. Later in the season, bunches of giant pink and magenta peonies will dot the front garden. And finally, as summer wears on, an eruption of yellow tiger lilies will brighten the backyard.

Oh, how I love those tiger lilies. Whenever I looked through the back glass doors and saw the line of yellow lilies, I always did a double-take because it appeared as if a great splash of sunlight cascaded across our yard alone -- even on the dreariest days.

I was surprised to learn how much I loved gardening. When we first bought our house, I thought, "How in the world am I going to keep these poor things alive?" But I soon began spending hours digging in the dirt, sometimes with rocks embedded in my knees and scratches from the the rose bush running up and down my arms. No matter, though, I just loved to be outside with my little basket of garden tools.

And of course, I practically lived at Home Depot in the floral section.

(I used to devise ways to purchase hundreds of dollars of flowers a season without having Patrick notice. That took some creative financing -- like taking $40 out of the ATM for "necessities" like "groceries" and combining that with a $60 debit card purchase at Home Depot, which included other "important purchases" like "refuse bags" and "paint.")

Sure, the ATM card isn't as bruised as of late. I haven't had to jump through fiscal hoops to feed my flower habit. And we're not paying two mortgages, so that's a plus. But I have to confess that I really miss our little garden. My hands seem empty. And I feel like I'm missing crucial time breathing the fresh air and fussing with the dirt.


Katie @ CiN said...

I don't think the tulips are blooming yet here. But it's the first day of spring, so I'm sure ready for the flowers!

Anonymous said...

Keep me posted when you see the first tulips. You guys would most certainly bloom ahead of us.
Yay for spring!

Gina said...

This is such a lovely post. You should consider sending this to a gardening magazine.

Gregory said...

That's what you get for abandoning us. According to our new, non-WCPO weather page, it was 73 degrees today. The tulips are starting to peek their heads out.

And it's not even Opening Day yet!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I just noticed it's going to be 72 there Monday. (Thanks for the new weather link, Greg.)

Now I'm jealous.

Thank goodness we have better chili or I might consider moving back there.

Gregory said...

Better chili? Blasphemy!

Seriously, you do not want to get into a Detroit-vs.-Cincinnati throwdown, do you?

Detroit has the Red Wings.... the Red Wings.... and um, what else?