Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our future path?

This is a photo we took several weeks ago when it was still pretty cold, but we took the same walk today, so I figured it was legit if I posted it now.

It's near the area where we want to live (if we ever sell our house).

I absolutely love the neighborhood and salivate when I think of all the walks we will eventually have there, the flowers I will plant in my garden there, the softball we will play on the fields there, the picnics we'll share in the parks there, and on and on.

Yeah, I could focus on all the problems of living in the basement, just waiting for our house to sell. But I have to remind myself that it will sell eventually, and I know when it does, I'll miss these days.

After all, I'll never again have these mornings and evenings with my parents, sharing something I just read on the Internet, or bounding up the stairs after just trying my dad's potato dish and giving him my full report on his new recipe. I'll miss all the lunches my mom makes and the creative notes she writes me every day. I'll even miss coming home and having them "shush" us during Dancing with the Stars. Mostly, I'll miss all the little, regular, random conversations we share.

So while I love the walks Patrick and I take on our future path near our future house, I still love coming back to this place -- our home now.

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