Sunday, July 1, 2007

Historic baseball at Greenfield Village

We decided to have a quiet weekend, feeling like we needed to recover from our vacation. After touring funky Ferndale Saturday (more on that later), we decided to have a really lazy Sunday.

The highlight was seeing an historic baseball game at Greenfield Village in Dearborn. It was Lah-De-Dahs against the Rochester Grangers. The game was a blowout with the Grangers pummeling the Lah-De-Dahs 42-12, we were told. (We stayed through the seventh inning.) We were rooting for the Lah-De-Dahs -- the home team. Bummer!

How in the heck did the game get so out of hand, you ask? It's because of those damn 1867 rules.

Some highlights:

1) No gloves

2) Underhand pitches

3) When a hitter makes it to a base at about the same time that the baseman tags him, it's not the ump who makes the call. The hitter and the baseman talk it out and come to an agreement whether the hitter was safe or out. "It's a gentleman's game," one of the hitters told us.

4) If a struck ball lands in fair territory and rolls foul, the ball is fair.

5) A ball caught on the fly or ON THE FIRST BOUNCE puts the hitter out. (However, some people viewed the "first bounce" rule as childish.)

The best part of the game was that the crowd sits close enough on the field that balls are consistently hit into the group. There was a lot of ducking for cover.

Oh, and I got three historic baseball cards from the Rochester Grangers: Jerry "Lefty" Wynne, Bob "Anvil" Wynne and Stephen "Curly" Dawley. I didn't see the Lah-De-Dahs handing out cards.

If either of the two home teams have cards, I've got to get those of Josh "Ox Cart" Allen, Christian "Triple Stout" Fernholz or Jeffrey "Knuckles" Corliss.

Too bad the Cincinnati Kickin' Kincades soccer team didn't make cards. Wouldn't it have been great to look over the stats from Jen "Detroit Dynamo" Mrozowski or Pat "Leg Breaker" Murphy or Gina "Mac Attack" Daugherty or Paul "Redwood" Rindfleisch? Yeah, those would've been collector's items some day fetchin' tens of dollars on eBay, no doubt.


Kelly said...

Jen, I love how when you and Pat have a "really lazy day," it still involves going out and doing something. A really lazy day for me would involve watching 12 straight episodes of Scrubs and eating Ruffles.

Gina said...

Ditto for me. A lazy day is watching Scrubs and eating Baked Lays cheddar and sour cream.

Paul said...

With a name like the Lah-De-Dahs, I can see why they lost by 30 runs. They need a more hardcore name if they're going to win games, like the Kickin' Kincades or something intimidating.

The first bounce rule does sound pretty childish.

Kincades trading cards would indeed have been awesome. Maybe next season...whenever that may be.

Jen said...

Ha ha. Yeah, I need a better way to spend my lazy days. I had a true one of those today that actually included a nap in the park.