Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Houston, we have a heartbeat!

Went to the baby doctor today and what a worthwhile appointment it was!

For some quick background, I appear to be anywhere from 10 to 11-and-a-half-weeks along. Thanks to some possible over-estimating on my part, I had to confess to the nurse that I might only be ten weeks.

She then had to confess to me that we might not be able to hear the heartbeat, as planned, because that's kind of early in the process. But she didn't want to disappoint, and the gleaming heartbeat monitor was already sitting on the counter so she said she'd give it a try. (Though, she warned us we might not hear anything and we shouldn't be disappointed.)

With the clear jelly slopped all over my belly, she moved the little monitor back and forth. We heard lots of static, some gurgles and then whooooshh, whooooshh, whooooshh. Patrick and I were quite excited as our ears tuned in and we both sat up in our seats, but the nurse informed us that was just my stomach making noises. "It picks up everything, especially if you didn't eat lunch yet," she said. "The baby's heartbeat is much faster."

Stupid stomach noises, I thought, and then I said aloud, "C'mon baby!"

After a few more false alarms (and a little disappointment) the nurse and I suddenly picked up a faint shh-shh-shh-shhh-shh-shhh-shh in quick succession. She lost the sound and then picked it up again, and we were like, "There it is again." I was beaming, but Patrick still couldn't hear it. So he got really close and the determined nurse hunted around again until we could all pick up the distinct, spunky shh-shh-shh-shhh-shh-shh-shh-shhh of our growing baby and its wee heart.

Patrick beamed, too, leaning in and said, "Settle down, little baby." Heh heh. Apparently, babies at this stage have super quick heartbeats. I think the count was 166 or thereabouts.

Needless to say, we were both overjoyed.


Anonymous said...

I just cried.

Anonymous said...

You're going to have a baby??!!?? How wonderful! I'm so proud of you guys. This is such a thrill.

Any advice you need or help, just call me.
Want any baby books? I've got tons of them.

Anonymous said...

Poor, poor, Patrick. He already has to deal with one whiny brat and now he's going to have two!

Congrats, Jen and Pat! You guys know I'm overjoyed for you both. I pray you have a joyful and healthy experience and my early vote for the baby's name is "Eddie" if it is a boy.

I hope you and Pat will be able to make it to my wedding in a few short weeks, but if not I clearly understand you have other fish to fry.

Love you guys,

Kevin Aldridge

Anonymous said...

I was just sitting on the porch with one of my girlfriends when Jen called with the news.

My friend knew as soon as I got off the phone that Jen was pregnant. She said I was glowing like as if it was me who was going to have the baby. I had a smile that just wouldn't stop.

I'm so happy because this will be my first grandchild.

I love my little girl so much, and I love the baby already, too.

Love Mom