Friday, November 30, 2007

Sorry Baby M. Addy lives here!

The cats have taken up residence on the changing table. Not a big deal since we covered it with numerous blankets, cushions, etc. If they live there when Baby M arrives, that should be ok, too, I figure. I have a feeling we'll change the baby quite often on the bed or wherever. (And I imagine the cats will scramble if I approach them with a crying baby when they're on the changing table.)

That being said, the cats are going to have to learn that this new piece of furniture is strictly off-limits. (That means that we will have to learn how to keep them out of it. In extreme circumstances, a squirt from a water bottle is pretty effective, even if it pains me to do it.)

In the meantime, the new bassinet is also filled with quite a bit of covering, as you can see. Oh, what we tolerate for those cats!

P.S. The little miYim organic chick rattle is just in there for effect. The baby will be quite a bit bigger, needless to say, and we know not to put anything in the bassinet but a swaddled baby.

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