Saturday, June 28, 2008

The flower series

With the move into the new house, the return to work and everything else, I've hardly had time to blog. While I've been shirking my blogging duties, our little munchkin is growing up.

Last month, she discovered her ears, and they became positively fascinating. Soon, her feet became all the rage. They're still in vogue, but she also loves just staring at her hands, and we love staring at her eyes growing wide as she sees those little wiggly things attached to her arms just moving out of control.

She became very squeal-y this month, too, which is so entertaining. But today we really were in for a treat, getting a taste of sustained baby laughter as she delighted in a rousing game of peek-a-boo. It gave me the giggles, too, as she just grew more and more amused at peek-a-boo being repeated twenty or so times.

In the above photo, you can see her curiosity in bloom. Oh, the simple pleasures!

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