Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Mmmm. Cornhole! That's what Phoebe seems to be saying, huh? Well, we're saying, "Yay! Cornhole!"

The set was a huge surprise from Gina's dad. Thanks, Ray! We love it.

Those from Cincinnati are not surprised by the name of this quirky game, which sounds obscene. But some of you Detroiters are probably saying, "What kind of person is she?" So let me explain:

Cornhole (a.k.a. Corn Toss or Baggo) is a competitive game where players take turns slinging sacks of corn toward two platforms that are facing each other but quite a distance apart. The platforms -- often made of wood-- have a hole in them. (Sounds really obscene now. I'd be tempted to say Hey-o, or however it's spelled, but those who know me know I don't use that phrase.)

Anyway, Cornhole is so popular in Cincinnati that the Queen City is home to a national league, the American Cornhole Association. I kid you not, Detroiters!

The game has a ton of rules, so many that the Wikipedia entry is almost too long to tackle. There are innings, and rules about if you knock someone's bag in, and different point amounts for landing a bag on the platform versus getting one in the hole, etc. (I really should relinquish my title as a one-time West side Cincinnatian for not knowing the rules.)

I didn't get through all of the Wikipedia entry, but I did read far enough to learn there's a Michigan connection and that people here often play it at graduations, etc. They call it bean bag toss. I call that "lame." Sorry Michiganders. It's Cornhole. That's that.

P.S. I trounced Patrick tonight in Cornhole, but shhh. Let's not rub it in.


Anonymous said...

In fact you do use the phrase Hey-O. And quite well, I might add. I heard you Hey-O at HP Tavern and Grill.

Jen said...

Ha! I just do it for my fans.

Anonymous said...